
X-ray Output & Tungsten Alloy Anode

The area over which the electrons from the cathode strike tungsten alloy anode is referred to as the focal spot. The cooler the anode can be kept, the smaller the focal spot can be and the greater the image detail that is possible. If a high X-ray output is required, a larger focal spot would be needed to mitigate the temperature increase.

In the early tubes the angle of the target was usually 45 degrees (see figure below left). Later tubes often employed the so-called line-focus principle in which the target angle was closer to 20 degrees (see figure below right). This reduced the effective area of the focal spot (as viewed from the perspective of the object being x-rayed permitted) without significantly affecting the area of the anode bombarded by the electron beam from the cathode. In other words, it permitted high loading (x-ray intensity) without having to sacrifice image details.

Tungsten Alloy Anode for X-ray Radiation

Tungsten alloy anode is the most commonly used target material because it has a high atomic number which increases the intensity of the x-rays, and because it has a sufficiently high melting point that it can be allowed to become white hot.

During operation, the tungsten alloy anode can get as high as 2,700 degrees centigrade. In many cases, it is surrounded by copper - the high heat capacity of copper improves the dissipation of heat. It is very suitable for X-ray radiation.

X-rays Shielding Calculation

Like gamma rays, X-rays have no definite range - the intensity of radiation transmitted through a material falls exponentially with the thickness of the material. Tungsten alloy X-rays shielding become more and more popular for radiation protection. Following is the calculation:

I = Io e-ux
where u is the linear attenuation coefficient of the material

For typical 50 KeV X-rays the half value thicknesses, H1/2 = 0.69/u, for some common materials are
         Air                     H1/2 ~ 10m
        Body tissue          H1/2 ~ 3 cm
        Lead (Pb)             H1/2 ~ 0.1 mm
        Steel                    H1/2   ~ 0.5 mm

An attenuation of I/Io = 10-10 is achieved by lead of thickness 3.3 mm or by steel of thickness 16.6 mm.

What is X-ray Spectrum

Most of the X-ray output of rotating anode sources has a continuous energy range that extends up to a value, Emax that, measured in electron volts, is equal to the acceleration voltage applied to the tube.. This Bremsstrahlung ("braking radiation") arises from the accelerations suffered by the electrons during collision with the atoms of the anode, then that is the X-ray spectrum, superimposed on the Bremsstrahlung background there are intense narrow line emissions that are characteristic of the material of the anode. These characteristic lines are important for crystallography but since they amount to only a few percent of the total X-ray output they are of little radiological importance. For the radiation during this whole process, tungsten alloy shielding will be the ideal material for radiation protection, for more details, you could visit our website: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/X-ray-target-collimator.htm.


The Energy of X-ray

All radiant energy, including X-ray, has its origin in a disturbance of electrical charge. Consider a point charge — an electron — surrounded by a symmetrical electromagnetic field and moving through space at constant velocity. What happens to the motion of the field if the central charge is speeded up or slowed down? Experiments indicate that the field reacts much like a mass of jelly. When the central charge is accelerated, the disturbance is communicated radially through the field as a wave motion — the outside parts of the field requiring an appreciable time interval to catch up with the center. Work expended in accelerating the central charge is carried away by the wave as radiant energy, at a velocity which depends on the nature of the “jelly.”

Tungsten alloy is a suitable material for radiation protection, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm.

X-ray Tungsten Alloy Radiation Protection for Bone Study

X-ray has a science function on bone study in medical field, and it tends to flow through the skin and away from vital organs such as the heart.
In this case, instead of filling with a lavender glow, like the quartz bulb, the inside of the tungsten alloy tube remained dark but the glass in contact with the magnesium lighted with a pale greenish fluorescence that reminded me of the glow emitted by old style X-ray tubes of the gas type, which is of tungsten alloy radiation protection.

Like visible light, X-rays are a form of radiant energy. Exports have solved the problem of equipment cost. Protection against exposure to the rays is not difficult to arrange. With these two considerations out of the way, X-rays open a range of experiments equaled by few other phenomena of physics. In addition to providing a source of X-rays for radiographs, a generator of X-rays in combination with accessories enables you to measure the charge of the electron, to study the structure of crystals, to observe the wave-particle duality of matter and radiation, and to probe other microcosmic corners. During this process, tungsten alloy material will be a suitable material for radiation protection. For more details, you could visit http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm.

The Substituation of Tungsten Plastic to Lead in Molded Products

There is a technique of tungsten plastic to develop tungsten-filled plastics that can replace lead for radiation protection. 
This technique has converted more than 50 lead-shielding parts with a proprietary non-lead, polymer shielding material. Tungsten plastic technique is more and more popular for radiation protection now. Lead may be the asbestos of the 21 Century, but tungsten material superior in its high specific density and denser gravity. Medical device manufacturers in the United States also expect to face stiff regulations on use of lead. Tungsten in a nylon 6 base offers equivalent X-ray shielding and can be molded on standard equipment. However, as a new type technique applied on tungsten plastic, the manufacture cost will be expensive but it has an effective function to absorb radiation better than lead. For more details, you could visit http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/tungsten-plastic.html.


What is X-ray Radiation?

X-ray radiation is characterized chiefly by extremely short wavelength — about one ten-thousandth the length of visible light waves. Like light waves, X-ray can be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized. The techniques by which they are manipulated differ from those employed with light, just as light techniques differ from those of radio. The longest X-rays are indistinguishable from ultraviolet rays; the shortest are identical with gamma rays. The distinction between the two is largely a matter of definition. When the emission accompanies the disintegration of a radioactive substance such as radium, it is called gamma radiation. Identical waves generated by electronic means are called X-rays.

All radiant energy, including X-rays, has its origin in a disturbance of electrical charge. Consider a point charge — an electron — surrounded by a symmetrical electromagnetic field and moving through space at constant velocity. What happens to the motion of the field if the central charge is speeding up or slowed down? Experiments indicate that the field reacts much like a mass of jelly. When the central charge is accelerated, the disturbance is communicated radically through the field as a wave motion — the outside parts of the field requiring an appreciable time interval to catch up with the center. Tungsten alloy material is widely used for such radiation protection as its high density, for more details, you could visit:  http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/X-ray-target-collimator.htm.


What is X-ray Filter?- Was Röntgenfilter?

Monochromators and filters are used to produce monochromatic x-ray light. This narrow wavelength range is essential for diffraction calculations. For instance, a zirconium filter can be used to cut out unwanted wavelengths from a molybdenum or tungsten alloy metal target. The molybdenum or tungsten alloy target will produce x-rays with two wavelengths. A zirconium filter can be used to absorb the unwanted emission with wavelength Kβ, while allowing the desired wavelength, Kα to pass through.

Monochromatoren und Filter werden verwendet, um monochromatische Röntgenlicht erzeugen. Diese schmalen Wellenlängenbereich ist für die Beugungs Berechnungen. Zum Beispiel kann ein Zirkonium-Filter verwendet werden, um sich unerwünschte Wellenlängen aus einer Molybdän oder Wolfram-Legierung Metall-Target. Das Molybdän oder Wolfram-Legierungstargets werden Röntgenstrahlen mit zwei Wellenlängen zu erzeugen. Eine Zirkonium-Filter kann verwendet werden, um die unerwünschte Emission mit der Wellenlänge Kß absorbieren, während es die gewünschte Wellenlänge, Ka passieren.

Tungsten X-ray Tubes for Radiation Source

Tungsten x-ray tubes provide a means for generating x-ray radiation in most analytical instruments.
An evacuated tube houses a tungsten alloymaterial which acts as a cathode opposite to a much larger, water cooled anode made of copper with a metal plate on it. The metal plate can be made of any of the following metals: tungsten, copper, cobalt and iron, etc.. A high voltage is passed through the tungsten alloy material and high energy electrons are produced. The machine needs some way of controlling the intensity and wavelength of the resulting light. The intensity of the light can be controlled by adjusting the amount of current passing through the filament; essentially acting as a temperature control. The wavelength of the light is controlled by setting the proper accelerating voltage of the electrons. The voltage placed across the system will determine the energy of the electrons traveling towards the anode.

X-rays radiation source is produced when the electrons hit the target metal. Because the energy of light is inversely proportional to wavelength (E=hc=h(1/λ), controlling the energy, controls the wavelength of the x-ray beam.

What is X-ray Crystallography? - Was ist X-ray Kristallographie?

What is X-ray Crystallography? - Was ist X-ray Kristallographie?
X-ray Crystallography is a scientific method used to determine the arrangement of atoms of a crystalline solid in three dimensional spaces. This technique takes advantage of the inter-atomic spacing of most crystalline solids by employing them as a diffraction gradient for x-ray light, which has wavelengths on the order of 1 angstrom (10-8 cm).
Tungsten heavy alloy is a suitable material for X-ray protection, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/tungsten-alloy-radiation-shielding.html.

Röntgenkristallographie ist eine wissenschaftliche Methode verwendet, um die Anordnung der Atome in einer kristallinen dreidimensionalen Raum festen bestimmen. Diese Technik nutzt die interatomare Abstand der meisten kristallinen Feststoffe setzen sie als Beugungs Gradienten für Röntgenlicht , das Wellenlängen im Bereich von 1 Angström (10-8 cm) hat.
Schweren Wolfram-Legierung ist ein geeignetes Material für X-ray-Schutz, um weitere Informationen, können Sie besuchen: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/german/Tungsten-Alloy-Radiation-Shielding.htm.


Does the "K-shell" Another Way of Making X-rays?

Atoms have their electrons arranged in closed "shells" of different energies. Well, the K-shell is the lowest energy state of an atom. It can give it enough energy to knock it out of its energy state. Then a tungsten electron of higher energy (from an outer shell) can fall into the K-shell.
The energy lost by the falling electron shows up in an emitted x-ray photon. Meanwhile, higher energy electrons fall into the vacated energy state in the outer shell, and so on. K-shell emission produces higher-intensity x-rays than Bremsstrahlung, and the x-ray photon comes out at a single wavelength.

Tungsten alloy is a main material for X-ray radiation shielding, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/X-ray-target-collimator.htm

Does X-rays Making Involve A Change in The State of Electrons?

Bremsstrahlung is easier to understand using the classical idea that radiation is emitted when the velocity of the electron shot at the tungsten changes. This electron slows down after swinging around the nucleus of a tungsten atom and loses energy by radiating x-rays. In the quantum picture, a lot of photons of different wavelengths are produced, but none of the photons has more energy than the electron had to begin with. After emitting the spectrum of x-ray radiation the original electron is slowed down or stopped.

Tungsten alloy is a favorable material for radiation shielding, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/X-ray-target-collimator.htm

What Is Bremsstrahlung?

X-rays are just like any other kind of electromagnetic radiation. They can be produced in parcels of energy called photons, just like light. There are two different atomic processes that can produce x-ray photons. One is called Bremsstrahlung, which is a fancy German name meaning "braking radiation." The other is called K-shell emission. They can both occur in heavy atoms like tungsten.

Tungsten alloy is a kind of high density material for radiation protection, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/X-ray-target-collimator.htm

Where Do X-rays Come From?

An x-ray machine, like that used in a doctor's or a dentist's office, is really very simple. Inside the machine is an x-ray tube. An electron gun inside the tube shoots high energy electrons at a target made of heavy atoms, such as tungsten. X-rays come out because of atomic processes induced by the energetic electrons shot at the target.

Tungsten alloy material is a suitable choice for radiation protection, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/X-ray-target-collimator.htm


How does X-ray Tube Work?

X-ray tube works as follows:

1.The heated filament is positively charged and the tungsten target is negative.
2.Electrons are emitted from the heated filament towards the tungsten target due to the very high potential difference between them.

3.The tungsten target absorbs the electrons and releases some of the energy in the form of X-rays.

This process is very inefficient however and a lot of energy is released in heat. For this reason the tungsten target has a copper mounting because it conducts heat and is cooled with by circulating oil through the mount. Spinning  tungsten target at high speed also helps to stop it overheating.

What is Tungsten Target for X-ray?

Tungsten target is the anode of an x-ray tube.
As tungsten alloy have many applications, such as bulb filaments, X-ray tubes (as both the filament and target), etc.
Tungsten is used as one of the materials for the anode as the electrons emitted from the cathode and striking the anode generate a good deal of heat, besides, tungsten is a high temperature metal, which is made from raw ground tungsten powder, been pressed and sintering. It is then hot isostatic pressed, bloomed, cold rolled, machined and bonded with a copper backing plate.
The electronic structure of tungsten makes it one of the main sources for X-ray. 

For more details, you could visit tungsten target.

Why Tungsten is Chosen for X-ray Beam Protection?

Tungsten has a very high melting point but it is nevertheless melted where X-ray beam strikes: for this reason the target is rotated to give a fresh target surface very frequently and the tungsten target is a fairly thin plate welded or brazed onto a water-cooled copper backing. Less than 1% of the electrical energy delivered into the X-ray tube comes out as X-rays; the other more than 99% is waste heat. Tungsten is chosen for the short wave length and penetrating power of it's characteristic X-rays rather than because of it's high melting temperature.

For more details, you could visit tungsten target for X-ray beam.

Why Tungsten Target for X-Ray Tube is Good?

Tungsten target implies an X-ray tube where high energy electrons are directed in a vacuum to strike a tungsten target. Where the electrons strike the tungsten very short wavelength X-rays are generated and pass out through the vacuum tube for use in medical diagnosis and engineering radiography of welds and castings etc. Tungsten target is usually used in x-ray tube, there are usually two reasons for these application:

1. Tungsten has a relatively high density, which could protect relatively high energy characteristic x-rays.

2. Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal, and because over 99% of the energy put into the x-ray tube to produce the beam is turned into heat energy, the ability to disparate the heat without loosing structural integrity is critical.

For more details, you could visit tungsten target X-ray.


Tungsten Shielding for Radiation Exposure

The effective way to reduce exposure to radiation is to place something between the radiographer and the source of radiation, and study shows that tungsten alloy would be the most suitable material. In general, the more denser the material the more shielding it will provide, and tungsten alloy did. The most effective shielding could also be provided by depleted uranium metal. But it is toxic, and do damage to the environment. However, as tungsten alloy is environmental-friendly, it could be much favorable than depleted uranium metal. For more details, you could visit tungsten shielding for radiation exposure.

Distance for Radiation Protection

Increasing distance from the source of radiation will reduce the amount of radiation received. As radiation travels from the source, it spreads out becoming less intense. This is analogous to standing near a fire. The closer a person stands to the fire, the more intense the heat feels from the fire. This phenomenon can be expressed by an equation known as the inverse square law, which states that as the radiation travels out from the source, the dosage decreases inversely with the square of the distance. Tungsten alloy radiation shielding is usually used for radiation protection, for more details, you could visit distance for tungsten alloy radiation protection.

How to Control Radiation Exposure?

The three basic ways of controlling exposure to harmful radiation are:
1) limiting the time spent near a source of radiation,
2) increasing the distance away from the source,
3) and using shielding to stop or reduce the level of radiation.
The radiation dose is directly proportional to the time spent in the radiation. Therefore, a person should not stay near a source of radiation any longer than necessary. If a survey meter reads 4 mR/h at a particular location, a total dose of 4mr will be received if a person remains at that location for one hour. In a two hour span of time, a dose of 8 mR would be received. The following equation can be used to make a simple calculation to determine the dose that will be or has been received in a radiation area.
For more details, you should visit tungsten alloy for radiation exposure.

Two Types of Radiation Exposure

There is a concern for two types of exposure: acute and chronic.
An acute exposure is a single accidental exposure to a high dose of radiation during a short period of time. An acute exposure has the potential for producing both nonstochastic and stochastic effects. Chronic exposure, which is also sometimes called "continuous exposure," is long-term, low level overexposure. Chronic exposure may result in stochastic health effects and is likely to be the result of improper or inadequate protective measures.
Tungsten alloy material is usually used for radiation protection, if you need more information, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/tungsten-alloy-radiation-shielding.html


How Radiation to be Measured?

Radiation is measured in two units - rads and rems. A rad stands for "radiation absorbed dose" and measures the amount of energy that is actually absorbed per unit mass. A rem stands for "roentgen equivalent man" and is a unit that measures the absorbed dose in human tissue and relates it to the effective damage done to your tissue. It is significant because not all radiation has the same biological effect. The radioactivity of a source is usually measured in how many rads or rems you would receive per hour; a geiger counter normally measures radiation in millirems per hour (mr/hr).

For more details, you could visit radiation protection.

Tungsten Alloy Tube for Radiation Shielding

Tungsten Alloy are more useful for detecting beta particles and gammas. Most counters cannot detect alpha particles. Remember that alpha particles are easily shielded. For this reason, tungsten alloy tube has to be made with a special window, or else the window itself will block the alpha particles and they won't be detected. Secondly, the counter must be held steady for several seconds at the same distance in order for us to obtain a good reading. Moving the counter around will change the number of particles that enter the tube; so make sure that you hold the tube the same distance from each object that you are trying to measure, or else your results will not be accurate. A third disadvantage of a Geiger counter is that it cannot measure very high amounts of radiation; in fact, the machine can be damaged if you expose it to an extremely high radiation, but that is unlikely in our case.

Different Radiations

Here are many different radiations in our life:

An alpha particle (a) consists of two protons and two neutrons (a helium nucleus). It has a relatively large mass and a positive charge. Alpha particles are easily shielded by a piece of paper or human skin. Therefore, health effects of alpha exposure occur only when the particles are inhaled, ingested, or enter the body through a cut in the skin. More serious would be a material that is radioactive (a emitter) that is ingested into the body. The a particles emitted inside the body, for example in bone marrow, can be exceedingly dangerous.

Beta particles (b) are fast electrons produced following nuclear decay of certain radioactive materials. The amount of energy (speed) that a beta particle contains determines its penetrating capacity. Six millimeters of aluminum are needed to stop most b particles.

Gamma rays (g), an electromagnetic wave, are similar in form to visible light and radio waves. However, gamma waves are very energetic and have a far shorter wavelength. Gamma rays are produced from radioactive decay, in nuclear reactions, and in fission. Gamma rays are dangerous because they have great penetrating ability. Several millimeters of lead are needed to stop gamma rays.

Therefore, radiation protection is more and more important, for more details, you should visit radiation protection.

How Does Lead Absorb Radiation Like X-rays and Gamma Rays?

The reason that lead is a good choice is because it’s a very dense substance, because dense substances can get in the way of the radiation and soak it up.  And the denser something is the more atoms, and in the case of things like x-rays and gamma rays the more electrons, there are to potentially interact with that ray as it goes through and stop it.

So, if you look at the density of lead; lead weighs something like 11 grams per centimeter cubed.  Iron, on the other hand, is only seven.  So in other words, you can get lots and lots of shielding with lead for much less space than if you use, say iron or concrete, which doesnt have the same density, although both could soak up x-rays in the same way.

However, as tungsten alloy material is more than 60% denser than lead, and it's not of any toxic, tungsten alloy material is widely used for shielding of X-rays and gamma rays. For more details, you could visit tungsten alloy radiation shielding.


Gamma Rays Absorbed by High Density Material

Gamma rays are better absorbed by materials with high atomic numbers and high density, such as tungsten alloy material. Although neither effect is important compared to the total mass per area in the path of the gamma ray. For this reason,lead shield is only modestly better (20–30% better) as a gamma shield, than an equal mass of another shielding material such as aluminium, concrete, water or soil, lead's major advantage is not in lower weight, but rather its compactness due to its higher density. Therefore, tungsten alloy material is better in its high density,good radiation absorption, etc.

Read more: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm

Tungsten and Radiation

Hey guys, I'm studying in physics recently.

Okay, here's my idea: We use lead to protect us from gamma radiation because it's dense enough to somewhat absorb the tiny wave length.
As I take it, tungsten is more dense than lead, right? Wouldn't it be safer to use tungsten instead of lead? (Looking away from the price aspect, of course...)

Read more: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm


Tungsten Alloy Radiation Parts

Tungsten alloys are used for radioactive source containers, gamma ray protection, radiation shields, x-ray shielding and source holders for oil-well, logging, and industrial instrumentation.

A particularly dense material with excellent shielding properties is needed to ensure that the surrounding tissue is protected and the radiation guided only to the intended locations--High density tungsten alloys are widely used as Medical and Industrial Radiation Shielding.

Chinatungsten's tungsten alloys are used for radioactive source containers, which can to be made as collimator and shielding for cancer therapy machines, and as syringe protection for radioactive injections.

There is no licensing required for tungsten alloy materials. Tungsten alloys are stable at high temperatures.

Non-Radioactive Tungsten Materials

Two significant alternative, non-radioactive tungsten materials have been developed. The first one, introduced in the 1980's, is most commonly available as 2% ceriated tungsten. This material is commonly used for lower amperage DC welding applications. In fact, it holds a very high market share in sales for the orbital welding process.

More recently, 1½% lanthanated tungsten has emerged as what could be the future standard for tungsten electrodes. The 1½% by weight content (as opposed to 2%) was chosen by three of the largest manufacturers as the optimum content amount based on scientific studies which showed that this content amount most closely mirrors the conductivity characteristics of 2% thoriated tungsten. Therefore, welders can usually easily replace their radioactive 2% thoriated material with this tungsten and not have to make any welding program changes. In addition, since the lanthanum oxide material is less dense that thorium oxide, a stick of 1½% (by weight) lanthanated tungsten actually contains 15% more oxides by volume than a stick of 2% (by weight) thoriated tungsten. This aids in arc starting and stability, as well as longevity, because the additional volume of oxides keep the tip cooler.

Finally, 1½% lanthanated tungsten is suitable for both AC and DC welding applications. Therefore, facilities that stock both 2% thoriated tungsten for DC welding and another tungsten type (usually pure or zirconiated tungsten) for AC welding, could stock only one tungsten type.


Tungsten Alloy X-Ray Tube

Tungsten alloy X-ray tubes used for diagnostic imaging typically consist of four main components: the anode, the cathode, the frame structure and the housing. The main function of the anode is to provide a track material for the electron beam, which is generally a tungsten-rhenium alloy. In general, the process of X-radiation production is only 1 % efficient at generating characteristic X-ray radiation, the rest is converted to heat. Heat management is paramount; particularly since higher power levels are desired due to the increase in X-ray efficiency with power, and faster imaging. Due to the large energy adsorption, it is necessary to rotate the anode to constantly bring cooler material under the electron beam.

Several different materials have been described as being useful as tungsten alloy x-ray tube anodes to give radiation protection.


Chinatungsten Could Offer Tungsten Heavy Alloy Radiation Shielding

Tungsten alloy radiation shielding could be used for shielding against automatic energy and X-rays. Chinatungsten could produce custom items to your specified dimensions and thickness. Compared with lead material, tungsten heavy alloy material will be much suitable for this filed as its high temperature resistance, high melting point, excellent radiation absorption, non-toxic, etc. For more details, you could visit website www.tungsten-alloy.com.


Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Reducing Harmful Radiation

Tungsten Alloy radiation shielding is becoming more and more popular, as it could protect people from harmful effects of ionizing radiation, a type of excellent radiation-absorbing material is badly needed.

Experts find that radiation exposure could be reduced by maxing shielding. The density of a material is related to its radiation stopping ability. Higher density means better stopping power and shielding. Due to a higher density, tungsten alloy radiation shielding has a much higher stopping power than lead. Its greater linear attenuation of gamma radiations means that less is required for equal shielding.

Tungsten heavy alloy is a suitable raw material for radiation protection, as its combination of radiographic density (more than 60% denser than lead), machinability, good corrosion resistance, high radiation absorption (superior to lead), simplified life cycle and high strength. It can provide the same degree of protection as lead whilst significantly reducing the overall volume and thickness of shields and containers. Besides, compared with lead or depleted uranium in the past, tungsten heavy alloy radiation shielding is more acceptable because they are non-toxic.


X-ray Ionizing Radiation

The ionizing electromagnetic radiation consists of x-rays and gamma-rays which differ from each other in their energy. By convention X-rays have a lower energy than the gamma-rays with the dividing line being at about 1Merv. In general, x-rays are produced either by the interaction of energetic electrons with inner shell electrons of heavier elements or through the bremsstrahlung or braking radiation mechanism when deflected by the Coulomb field of the atomic nuclei of the target material. Gamma-rays are usually products of the de-excitation of excited heavier elements. Tungsten heavy alloy material will be the best choice in this case with its denser material to have a good radiation absorption ability.

Ionizing radiations vary greatly in energy. Electromagnetic radiations have energy quanta determined by their wavelength or frequency. The energy of particulate radiation depends on the mass and velocity of the particles.

Tungsten Used for Atomic Radiation

Everything has a price, and the price of powerful rockets with nuclear propulsion is of course the dread horror of deadly atomic radiation, and the danger can be brought under control with appropriate counter-measures. By treating the power plant with the respect it deserves, the same measures will come in handy if your ship is an interplanetary warship that may be facing hostile nuclear warheads.

The ionizing radiation in space is comprised of charged particles, uncharged particles, and high-energy electromagnetic radiation. The particles vary in size from electrons (beta rays) through protons (hydrogen nuclei) and helium atoms (alpha particles) to the heavier nuclei encountered in cosmic rays, e.g., HZE particles (High Z and Energy, where Z is the charge). They may have single charges, either positive (protons, p) or negative (electrons, e), multiple charges (alpha or HZE particles); or no charge, such as neutrons. The atomic nuclei of cosmic rays, HZE particles, are usually completely stripped of electrons and thus have a positive charge equal to their atomic number.

As for this terrible radiation, export discover that tungsten alloy could be the most suitable material for radiation protection. The higher density of tungsten alloy, the denser of itself would be. Especially for the outstanding machinability of tungsten alloy, it should be machined into different shape as per the required drawing.

Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Ionizing Radiation

Astronauts traveling from planet to planet are exposed to the natural radiation of space. This is generally always particle radiation, and the exposure time is "chronic". The sun's ultraviolet light is a form of radiation that can give your skin a sunburn. Ionizing radiation is more penetrating, so it is capable of giving you a lethal "sunburn" on your internal organs. The general term for dangerous unhealthy everybody-panic-now kind of radiation is "ionizing radiation." This is because the radiation is capable of ionizing atoms which composes the material being irradiated. Non-ionizing radiation such as visible light and radio waves can be safely ignored.The sun's ultraviolet light is a form of radiation that can give your skin a sunburn. Ionizing radiation is more penetrating, so it is capable of giving you a lethal "sunburn" on your internal organs. The general term for dangerous unhealthy everybody-panic-now kind of radiation is "ionizing radiation." This is because the radiation is capable of ionizing atoms which composes the material being irradiated. Non-ionizing radiation such as visible light and radio waves can be safely ignored (by which I mean a laser beam can chop you into bits but it won't give you cancer).Here, tungsten alloy shielding material could be used as good material for radiation protection, which is usually made with tungsten content of 90%W~97%W, and the higher tungsten content, then the better absorption ability would be.