
What is X-ray Radiation?

X-ray radiation is characterized chiefly by extremely short wavelength — about one ten-thousandth the length of visible light waves. Like light waves, X-ray can be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized. The techniques by which they are manipulated differ from those employed with light, just as light techniques differ from those of radio. The longest X-rays are indistinguishable from ultraviolet rays; the shortest are identical with gamma rays. The distinction between the two is largely a matter of definition. When the emission accompanies the disintegration of a radioactive substance such as radium, it is called gamma radiation. Identical waves generated by electronic means are called X-rays.

All radiant energy, including X-rays, has its origin in a disturbance of electrical charge. Consider a point charge — an electron — surrounded by a symmetrical electromagnetic field and moving through space at constant velocity. What happens to the motion of the field if the central charge is speeding up or slowed down? Experiments indicate that the field reacts much like a mass of jelly. When the central charge is accelerated, the disturbance is communicated radically through the field as a wave motion — the outside parts of the field requiring an appreciable time interval to catch up with the center. Tungsten alloy material is widely used for such radiation protection as its high density, for more details, you could visit:  http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/X-ray-target-collimator.htm.


What is X-ray Filter?- Was Röntgenfilter?

Monochromators and filters are used to produce monochromatic x-ray light. This narrow wavelength range is essential for diffraction calculations. For instance, a zirconium filter can be used to cut out unwanted wavelengths from a molybdenum or tungsten alloy metal target. The molybdenum or tungsten alloy target will produce x-rays with two wavelengths. A zirconium filter can be used to absorb the unwanted emission with wavelength Kβ, while allowing the desired wavelength, Kα to pass through.

Monochromatoren und Filter werden verwendet, um monochromatische Röntgenlicht erzeugen. Diese schmalen Wellenlängenbereich ist für die Beugungs Berechnungen. Zum Beispiel kann ein Zirkonium-Filter verwendet werden, um sich unerwünschte Wellenlängen aus einer Molybdän oder Wolfram-Legierung Metall-Target. Das Molybdän oder Wolfram-Legierungstargets werden Röntgenstrahlen mit zwei Wellenlängen zu erzeugen. Eine Zirkonium-Filter kann verwendet werden, um die unerwünschte Emission mit der Wellenlänge Kß absorbieren, während es die gewünschte Wellenlänge, Ka passieren.

Tungsten X-ray Tubes for Radiation Source

Tungsten x-ray tubes provide a means for generating x-ray radiation in most analytical instruments.
An evacuated tube houses a tungsten alloymaterial which acts as a cathode opposite to a much larger, water cooled anode made of copper with a metal plate on it. The metal plate can be made of any of the following metals: tungsten, copper, cobalt and iron, etc.. A high voltage is passed through the tungsten alloy material and high energy electrons are produced. The machine needs some way of controlling the intensity and wavelength of the resulting light. The intensity of the light can be controlled by adjusting the amount of current passing through the filament; essentially acting as a temperature control. The wavelength of the light is controlled by setting the proper accelerating voltage of the electrons. The voltage placed across the system will determine the energy of the electrons traveling towards the anode.

X-rays radiation source is produced when the electrons hit the target metal. Because the energy of light is inversely proportional to wavelength (E=hc=h(1/λ), controlling the energy, controls the wavelength of the x-ray beam.

What is X-ray Crystallography? - Was ist X-ray Kristallographie?

What is X-ray Crystallography? - Was ist X-ray Kristallographie?
X-ray Crystallography is a scientific method used to determine the arrangement of atoms of a crystalline solid in three dimensional spaces. This technique takes advantage of the inter-atomic spacing of most crystalline solids by employing them as a diffraction gradient for x-ray light, which has wavelengths on the order of 1 angstrom (10-8 cm).
Tungsten heavy alloy is a suitable material for X-ray protection, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/tungsten-alloy-radiation-shielding.html.

Röntgenkristallographie ist eine wissenschaftliche Methode verwendet, um die Anordnung der Atome in einer kristallinen dreidimensionalen Raum festen bestimmen. Diese Technik nutzt die interatomare Abstand der meisten kristallinen Feststoffe setzen sie als Beugungs Gradienten für Röntgenlicht , das Wellenlängen im Bereich von 1 Angström (10-8 cm) hat.
Schweren Wolfram-Legierung ist ein geeignetes Material für X-ray-Schutz, um weitere Informationen, können Sie besuchen: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/german/Tungsten-Alloy-Radiation-Shielding.htm.