
Chinatungsten Could Offer Tungsten Heavy Alloy Radiation Shielding

Tungsten alloy radiation shielding could be used for shielding against automatic energy and X-rays. Chinatungsten could produce custom items to your specified dimensions and thickness. Compared with lead material, tungsten heavy alloy material will be much suitable for this filed as its high temperature resistance, high melting point, excellent radiation absorption, non-toxic, etc. For more details, you could visit website www.tungsten-alloy.com.


Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Reducing Harmful Radiation

Tungsten Alloy radiation shielding is becoming more and more popular, as it could protect people from harmful effects of ionizing radiation, a type of excellent radiation-absorbing material is badly needed.

Experts find that radiation exposure could be reduced by maxing shielding. The density of a material is related to its radiation stopping ability. Higher density means better stopping power and shielding. Due to a higher density, tungsten alloy radiation shielding has a much higher stopping power than lead. Its greater linear attenuation of gamma radiations means that less is required for equal shielding.

Tungsten heavy alloy is a suitable raw material for radiation protection, as its combination of radiographic density (more than 60% denser than lead), machinability, good corrosion resistance, high radiation absorption (superior to lead), simplified life cycle and high strength. It can provide the same degree of protection as lead whilst significantly reducing the overall volume and thickness of shields and containers. Besides, compared with lead or depleted uranium in the past, tungsten heavy alloy radiation shielding is more acceptable because they are non-toxic.


X-ray Ionizing Radiation

The ionizing electromagnetic radiation consists of x-rays and gamma-rays which differ from each other in their energy. By convention X-rays have a lower energy than the gamma-rays with the dividing line being at about 1Merv. In general, x-rays are produced either by the interaction of energetic electrons with inner shell electrons of heavier elements or through the bremsstrahlung or braking radiation mechanism when deflected by the Coulomb field of the atomic nuclei of the target material. Gamma-rays are usually products of the de-excitation of excited heavier elements. Tungsten heavy alloy material will be the best choice in this case with its denser material to have a good radiation absorption ability.

Ionizing radiations vary greatly in energy. Electromagnetic radiations have energy quanta determined by their wavelength or frequency. The energy of particulate radiation depends on the mass and velocity of the particles.

Tungsten Used for Atomic Radiation

Everything has a price, and the price of powerful rockets with nuclear propulsion is of course the dread horror of deadly atomic radiation, and the danger can be brought under control with appropriate counter-measures. By treating the power plant with the respect it deserves, the same measures will come in handy if your ship is an interplanetary warship that may be facing hostile nuclear warheads.

The ionizing radiation in space is comprised of charged particles, uncharged particles, and high-energy electromagnetic radiation. The particles vary in size from electrons (beta rays) through protons (hydrogen nuclei) and helium atoms (alpha particles) to the heavier nuclei encountered in cosmic rays, e.g., HZE particles (High Z and Energy, where Z is the charge). They may have single charges, either positive (protons, p) or negative (electrons, e), multiple charges (alpha or HZE particles); or no charge, such as neutrons. The atomic nuclei of cosmic rays, HZE particles, are usually completely stripped of electrons and thus have a positive charge equal to their atomic number.

As for this terrible radiation, export discover that tungsten alloy could be the most suitable material for radiation protection. The higher density of tungsten alloy, the denser of itself would be. Especially for the outstanding machinability of tungsten alloy, it should be machined into different shape as per the required drawing.

Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Ionizing Radiation

Astronauts traveling from planet to planet are exposed to the natural radiation of space. This is generally always particle radiation, and the exposure time is "chronic". The sun's ultraviolet light is a form of radiation that can give your skin a sunburn. Ionizing radiation is more penetrating, so it is capable of giving you a lethal "sunburn" on your internal organs. The general term for dangerous unhealthy everybody-panic-now kind of radiation is "ionizing radiation." This is because the radiation is capable of ionizing atoms which composes the material being irradiated. Non-ionizing radiation such as visible light and radio waves can be safely ignored.The sun's ultraviolet light is a form of radiation that can give your skin a sunburn. Ionizing radiation is more penetrating, so it is capable of giving you a lethal "sunburn" on your internal organs. The general term for dangerous unhealthy everybody-panic-now kind of radiation is "ionizing radiation." This is because the radiation is capable of ionizing atoms which composes the material being irradiated. Non-ionizing radiation such as visible light and radio waves can be safely ignored (by which I mean a laser beam can chop you into bits but it won't give you cancer).Here, tungsten alloy shielding material could be used as good material for radiation protection, which is usually made with tungsten content of 90%W~97%W, and the higher tungsten content, then the better absorption ability would be.