
Radiation Has Effect on Mars Mission

NASA now has to expose astronauts to cancerous, or even lethal, levels of space radiation. It's an ethical quandary for those involved in NASA's renewed push toward deep-space exploration. And it's being explored by some of the most distinguished scholars, scientists, engineers, health professionals and ethicists in the nation.

On a 500-day round trip to Mars, astronauts would fly outside the Earth's magnetic field, which largely protects International Space Station crews and the planet from deadly forms of space radiation. Those flying beyond Earth orbit would face consequential radiation risks, including exposure to: Solar energetic particles generated by solar flares or coronal mass ejections from the sun. Galactic cosmic rays from the exploding stars, quasars and gamma ray burst outside our solar system. Shielding and sheltering measures can protect crews from solar energetic particles, but new breakthroughs in lightweight materials are needed to make deep-space missions possible.

Actually, there is also a suitable material of tungsten alloy for radiation protection, for more details, you could visit: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm.

How to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Fallout?

Nuclear bomb No. one wants to think about a nuclear crisis – and hopefully it will never happen, but we all must accept the fact nuclear tensions are rising globally with North Korea (plus Iran, Al-Qaeda and others are seeking nukes) so we should prepare ourselves and our loved ones in the event the unthinkable strikes our soil.
Unless you are actually at ground zero or within several miles radius of the blast zone (depending on the size of the nuke, of course), there is a very high probability you’ll survive as long as you. Therefore, to know clearly how to protect yourself from nuclear fallout is very important:
Limit your exposure to radiation,
Take shelter with proper shielding, and
Wait for the most dangerous radioactive materials to decay.
The last point is very important for our life, actually, there is one kind of basic material of nuclear radiation absorption, that is tungsten alloy material, for more details, you could visit our website: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm


What is Beta-Gamma Radiation?

Beta-Gamma is a non-traditional style hall, housing residents in four-room suites consisting of double rooms and a shared bathroom. Each room has its own exterior door. The stacks of Ridgeway Gamma weave their way through the trees and hillsides on which they are built. Located between north and south campus, the Ridge is closest to the Rec Center and just uphill from the library, Red Square and most everything else on campus.
Gamma Stack 3 has two lounges, one with a kitchenette, and one with a big screen TV and piano. Beta residents also have access to the lounges located in Beta Stack 8. Laundry facilities are one floor down from each respective lounge, and a sauna in Beta is also open to residents of the Beta-Gamma community. A small indoor bike storage area and outdoor bike storage is available.
Tungsten heavy alloy material is an excellent material for radiation protection. For more details, you could visit our website: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm

What Are X-Rays And Gamma Rays?

There are many different types of radiation – from the light that comes from the sun to the heat that is constantly coming off our bodies. But when talking about radiation and cancer risk, it is often x-rays and gamma rays that people think about.

X-rays and gamma rays can come from natural sources, such as radon gas, radioactive elements in the earth, and cosmic rays that hit the earth from outer space. But this type of radiation can also be man-made. X-rays and gamma rays are created in power plants for nuclear energy, and are also used in smaller amounts for medical imaging tests, cancer treatment, food irradiation, and airport security scanners.

X-rays and gamma rays are both types of high energy (high frequency) electromagnetic radiation. They are packets of energy that have no charge or mass (weight). These packets of energy are known as photons. Because X-rays and gamma rays have the same properties and health effects, they are grouped together in this document.

There is one type of the most suitable material for radiation protection, which is tungsten alloy material; you could get more information from http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/en/alloy07.htm.

Distinguish Between Gamma Ray &X-Ray

Gamma rays are distinguished from X-rays by their origin. Gamma rays are produced in nuclear processes such as radioactivity, or electron-positron annihilation. X-rays are produced by accelerated electrons. There is an overlap between the highly energetic X-rays and the low energetic gamma rays.
In terms of energy gamma rays reside at the far end of the electromagnetic spectrum and can carry energies upward of roughly 100 keV.
To be able to observe gamma rays from objects in the Universe, the detector needs to be above the main part of the Earth's atmosphere because the atmosphere efficiently absorbs the gamma-ray photons. Early observations of gamma rays were done by airborne telescopes on-board airplanes and balloons, and were followed by dedicated satellites in Earth orbit.
Tungsten alloy material is very suitable material for the related radiation protection as its high density.

Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Gamma Sources of Cesium 137

A new technology for gamma shielding is already used as tungsten alloy material radiation protection. There is a research for special tungsten alloy material for gamma sources of Cesium 137, which is a lead-free radiation protective fabric in a form of a blanket created with nanotechnology. It could reduce emission from high energy gamma sources such as Cesium 137. Such material might be hidden beneath the silicon ceramic or inside of the cylindrical body of E-cat HT where the heaters are placed.
As its high density, good machinability, high hardness, excellent elongation, wear resistance, tungsten alloy material is more and more popular for gamma sources shielding and protection. For more details, you could visit http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/tungsten-alloy-radiation-shielding.html.

Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Gamma Radiation

Gamma rays emitted from the nickel nanopowder that is closer to the cylindrical enclosure will be stronger. From the publicly released information by Focardi and Rossi it is known that a small gamma radiation exists. For this purpose the E-cat described in the Rossi patent contains a lead jacket. For the E-cat HT reactors that were tested by G. Levi et al., however, a lead jacket was not noticed. This does not mean that there is not any radiation shield. With the advancement of nanotechnology a new way of effective gamma radiation shield is developed. This has been in focus of NASA research for years.
Tungsten alloy material is suitable for gamma radiation protection, for more details, you could visit http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/tungsten-alloy-radiation-shielding.html.

Gamma Radiation from the Nickel Nanopowder

For gamma energy in the order of 6 MeV, the wavelength is about 0.2 pm. This wavelength is a few orders smaller than the gaps between the nanopowder particles. The gas occupying the gaps has a refractive index close to one, while the refractive index of the nanoparticle material for the wavelength of 0.2 pm is much higher. Then the emitted gamma rays from the nickel nanopowder in the bulk will undergo multiple reflections, refractions and absorption, so the energy they loose will be converted to heat. Some proper attenuated gamma rays will produce Rydberg hydrogen that is useful for the cold fusion. Only not absorbed attenuated gamma rays may escape the fuel powder, so they must be shielded.
Tungsten alloy material is suitable for gamma radiation protection, for more details, you could visit http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/tungsten-alloy-radiation-shielding.html.