
Medical High Density X-ray Protection Methods

There are some many methods to protect from the medical high density X-ray:
Interlocking tungsten alloy shielding bricks
Borated tungsten polyethylene
High-density concrete
Linear accelerator swing doors
Linear accelerator sliding doors
Radiation therapy shielding upgrades
Tungsten alloy PET/CT shielding

If you need more information, you could contact Chinatungsten

Tungsten Radiation Shielding for Medical Industry

X-Ray existed in medial industry has very high intensity radiation primarily for component inspection of critical manufactured parts. The inspection of welds for example is of prime importance in any aircraft component or in the inspection of nuclear power plant piping. That type of X-Ray for the inspection is the expensive micro processing circuitry. Radiation shielding for medial industry applications require thicker lead or thicker lead-equivalent glass in lead lined wall material or shielded doors. Doors may also require borated polyethylene to shield from neutron scattering. The highest level of shielding is required badly for X-ray in medical industry. As far as I know, tungsten alloy with density from 17.0g/cm3 to 18.5g/cm3 has excellent radiation absorption for X-ray. Besides, due to its good machinability, it could be machined into different shapes, such as brick, working as the tungsten radiation shielding wall, each brick is manufactured with four tongue and groove edges for interlocking. In this way, X-ray in medical industry could be absorbed well by tungsten radiation shielding.