
Tungsten Combustion Chamber of Turbo Engines

Conventional combustion chambers are generally of optimized rating for take-off or near take-off operation. This signifies that, in the primary zone of the combustion chamber, a fraction of the air flow of the compressor is introduced so that, with the injected fuel, the fuel-air mixture in this zone would be essentially stoichiometric in turbo engines. Under these conditions, due to the levels of temperature and high pressures, as complete as possible a combustion is obtained, combustion yields greater than 0.99 are attained, the speeds of the chemical reaction being optimum for these stoichimoetric mixtures. 
In addition, the pressures and temperatures at the outlet of the compressor are lower; the result is that the chamber, with the partial charge is very much maladjusted and that the slow speed combustion efficiency rarely goes beyond 0.93. The combustion is, therefore, very incomplete, which means much higher concentrations of carbon monoxide and unburnt residues at the exhaust than under normal operation. The proportions of the pollutants are all the higher, the lower the total yield of the combustion. 
The fresh gas/burnt gas mixture must also be advantageous because it contributes to the increase in the temperature of the carburized mixture and, therefore, aids in its atomization and consequently permits an improvement in the speed of the chemical reaction. In conventionally allowing this contact of the carburized mixture with the high temperature gas from the combustion it is desirable to arrange for a recirculation of the latter by searching for a convenient turbulence level.
All of these solutions, which allow an improvement in the combustion yield have, however, a maximum efficiency only for values sufficient for the pressures and temperatures of the air at the chamber inlet.

