
Tungsten Alloy Rings

Tungsten Alloy Rings have high hardness, wear-resistance, long-term non-corruption, clear appearance and rich texture. It is mainly used for decoration and wearing. It can also be used as a token of love between wedding rings or young men and women.

Tungsten alloy rings are of high quality and beautiful appearance and can be used as substitutes for gold and platinum. They have high hardness, bright gloss and highlight the noble temperament. Hardness is 7 times that of stainless steel rings, 4 times that of titanium rings, and comparable to diamonds.

Tungsten alloy rings have good corrosion resistance and do not react with acids under normal temperature and pressure. Tungsten alloy ring will not be corroded by sweat, will not fade, the shape will not be deformed. And it is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, non-allergic and suitable for all people to wear.

China Tungsten Online can produce different types of tungsten alloy rings, and gold-plated and engraved on tungsten alloy rings according to customers' needs.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us by e-mail: sales@chinatungsten.com or info@chinatungsten.com

