
Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Radiation Stopping

The extended health data and dosimetry including external irradiation and transuranium elements are available for staff of the “Shelter” object at the RCRM. The existing experience of French and other international registries as well as of the State registry of exposed after Chernobyl, the Clinical-epidemiological registry, and dosimetry databases gained in the Research Center for Radiation Medicine from the prospective follow-up studies could help for practical implementation of the nuclear workers registry. Several tasks are foreseen that could be successfully implemented with international cooperation: a survey of professions, types of jobs and radiation qualities; development of qualification criteria and accreditation procedures for personal dosimetry services; pilot study of medical registry of occupationally exposed workers. Establishment of a new multi-thousand cohort for both prospective and retrospective biomedical and epidemiological studies will allow more precise estimated of the low dose effects of ionizing radiation. 

The density of a material is related to its radiation stopping ability. Higher density means better stopping power and shielding. Due to a higher density, tungsten heavy alloy has a much higher stopping power than lead. Its greater linear attenuation of gamma radiations means that less is required for equal shielding. Alternatively equal amounts of tungsten shielding provide diminished exposure risks than equivalent lead shielding. For more details, please visit tungsten alloy shielding.

Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding for Radiation Protection Problem-1

Nuclear energy sector in Ukraine includes 50,000 workers of the 15 power and research units, uranium mines, radioactive waste storages, staff of the Chernobyl zone and the “Shelter” object. Creation of a centralized registry with dosimetry and health data is essential and such understanding exists at the governmental and local levels. However, de facto this work is initiated slowly due to lack of budgetary funding. An analysis was performed of the existing sources of health and dosimetry data information. Two surveys defined the general status of dosimetry monitoring and number of occupationally exposed workers. The local data sources will be used including individual data from the local medical-sanitary departments, dosimetry shops and regional registries for radiologists. Cancer statistics of sufficient quality of case identification and pathological data could be obtained by linkage from the National cancer registry. 

In this case, we need high density of radiation shielding to have a radiation protection, it is reported that tungsten alloy material is the suitable material as its high density almost similar to real gold, the denser density, and then the better radiation absorption. More information, you could visit Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding for Radiation Protection Problem.


Radiation Leakage and Tungsten Alloy

The Valencia applicators which are accessories of the microSelectron-HDR afterloader (Nucletron, Veenendaal, The Netherlands) are designed to treat skin lesions. These cup-shaped applicators are an alternative to superficial/orthovoltage x-ray treatment units.

They limit the irradiation to the required area using tungsten alloy shielding, and are equipped with a tungsten alloy flattering filter allowing the treatment of skin tumors, the oral cavity, vaginal cuff, etc. The tungsten alloy thickness to shield radiation is not the same in all parts of the applicators. This fact led us to question whether the leakage radiation differs depending on where it is measured, and whether this may be relevant in some clinical cases. The purpose of this work is to study from the radiation protection point of view the radiation leakage of the Valencia applicators, and provide a solution for current users and for the manufacturer.

Flexible Tungsten Shielding Materials

Radiation includes many types such as α-rays, β-rays, γ-rays, χ-rays and neutron rays. Since the penetrating power of each type of radiation is known, radiation can be blocked by selecting appropriate thicknesses based on materials.

Recently, tungsten alloys are widely used as an environment friendly material. Since tungsten alloys of higher density have higher radiation absorption factors, shielding materials can be easily produced with small thicknesses.

Recently, flexible tungsten shielding materials added with polyethylene, paraffin, etc. that can be reduced in size and can block neutron rays, γ-rays and χ-rays simultaneously have been developed and are used together with other materials.

Of them, tungsten sheet type shielding materials have excellent radiation shielding performance and thus can be applied as shielding materials for various types of X-ray equipment and they can be attached to the inside or outside of storage containers when they are used.


Neutron Shielding Properties of a New High-Density Concrete

The neutron shielding properties of a new high-density concrete developed in Spain have been characterized experimentally. The shielding properties of this concrete against photons were previously studied and the material is being used to build bunkers, mazes and doors in medical accelerator facilities with good overall results. In this work, the objective was to characterize the material behaviour against neutron, as well as to test alternative mixings including boron compounds in an effort to improve neutron shielding efficiency. With this purpose, different thickness were exposed to an Am-Be neutron source under controlled conditions in the neutron measurements laboratory. The original mix, which includes a high fraction of magnetite, was then modified by adding different proportions of anhydrous borax. In order to have a reference against common concrete used to shielding medical accelerator facilities, then same experiment was repeated with ordinary concrete slabs.

As far as I know, tungsten material could also be used for radiation protection. But for the information whether it could be used for neutron shielding, and how could it protect, you could visit tungsten alloy.

Radiation Exposure on Mars

The 210-day trip on Mars results in radiation exposure of the crew of 386 +/- 61 mSv. On the surface, they will be exposed to about 11 mSv per year during their excursions on the surface of Mars. This means that the settlers will be able to spend about sixty years on Mars before reaching their career limit, with respect to ESA standards. In this way, radiation protection for scientific research is very important for scientist. 

According to studying, which shows that tungsten material has a high density 65% denser than lead and 130% denser than steel, if the material goes denser, then the radiation absorption ability will be better. 

We could get the calculation from the following formula:
Formula: K = e0.693 d / △1/2
K: Shield weakened multiple
△ 1/2: The shielding material of the half-value layer values
d: Shielding thickness, with the half-value layer thickness of their units, people need to half-value layer thickness of the quality of translation into the thickness of the material, divided by the density of the material can be obtained.


Dangerous Radiation on Mars

Mars's surface receives more radiation than the Earth's but still blocks a considerable amount. Radiation exposure on the surface is 30 µSv per hour during solar minimum; during solar maximum, dosage equivalent of this exposure is reduced by the factor two.

If the settlers spend on average three hours every three days outside the habitat, their individual exposure adds up to 11 mSv per year.
The Mars One habitat will be covered by several meters of soil, which provides reliable shielding even against galactic cosmic rays. Five meters of soil provides the same protection as the Earth's atmosphere-- equivalent to 1,000 g/cm2 of shielding. With the help of a forecasting system taking shelter in the habitat can prevent radiation exposure from SPEs.

There is a studying on tungsten alloy material for radiation protection, radiation ability could be calculated basing on the following formula:

Formula: K = e0.693 d / △1/2
K: Shield weakened multiple
△ 1/2: The shielding material of the half-value layer values
d: Shielding thickness, with the half-value layer thickness of their units, people need to half-value layer thickness of the quality of translation into the thickness of the material, divided by the density of the material can be obtained.

As there is a high density for tungsten heavy alloy material, then thickness could be reduced if there is a need of the same radiation protection ability.

For more information, you could click tungsten alloy radiation protection.

Radiation Shelter for Mars Radiation

On the way to Mars, the crew will be protected from solar particles by the structure of the spacecraft. The crew will receive general protection of 10-15 gr/cm2 shielding from the structure of the Mars transit vehicle. In case of a solar flare or Solar Particle Event (SPE), this shielding will not suffice and the crew will retreat to a dedicated radiation shelter in Mars Transit habitat, taking their cue from the onboard radiation monitoring and alert system. The dedicated radiation shelter located in the hollow water tank, will provide additional shielding to the level of 40 gr/cm2. The astronauts should expect one SPE every two months on average and a total of three or four during their entire trip, with each one usually lasting not more than a couple of days.
For radiation protection, tungsten alloy material would be the most suitable material, more details, please visit tungsten alloy radiation protection.

Tungsten Radiation Protection on the Way to Mars

A study published in the journal Science in May 2013 calculates 662 +/ 108 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation exposure for a 360 day return trip, as measured by the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD). The study shows that ninety five percent of the radiation received by the RAD instrument came from Galactic Cosmic Rays or GCRs, which are hard to shield against without use of prohibitive shielding mass (1).

The 210-day journey Mars One settlers will take, amounts to radiation exposure of 386 +/- 63 mSv, considering these recent measurements as standard. This exposure is below the upper limits of accepted standards for an astronaut career: European Space Agency, Russian Space Agency and Canadian Space Agency limit is 1000 mSv; NASA limits are between 600-1200mSv, depending on sex and age .

That is very terrible, how to have a radiation protection from that? For more details, please visit: Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding.

Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Radiation from Moon and Mars

Radiation protection assessments are performed for advanced lunar and Mars manned missions. The Langley cosmic ray transport code and the Langley nucleon transport code are used to quantify the transport and attenuation of galactic cosmic rays and solar proton flares through various shielding media. Galactic cosmic radiation at solar maximum and minimum conditions, as well as various flare scenarios, is considered. Then shielding thickness and shield mass estimates required to maintain incurred doses below 30-day and annual limits are determiner for simple-geometry transfer vehicles.

Tungsten alloy has very high density where it is used to radiation protection. The density for tungsten alloy is up to 65% denser than lead and 130% denser than steel. In this way, radiation could be adsorbed well compared to other material.

For more details, please visit tungsten alloy radiation shielding.

Grade for Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding

Class 1
Class 1
Class 2
Class 2
Density (g/cm3)
Heat Treatment
Tensile Strength (MPa)
Elongation (%)

Class 3
Class 3
Class 4
Density (g/cm3)
Heat Treatment
Tensile Strength (MPa)
Elongation (%)

Chinatungsten can offer many tungsten alloy radiation shielding within the standard size, and also could design and manufacture a mould especially for client. Since different tungsten alloy standards have different applications, for tungsten alloy radiation shielding, usually made accordingly to AMS-T-21014.

More details, you could visit tungsten alloy standard.

High Density Make Tungsten Alloy as Radiation Shielding

Tungsten material is a refractory metal with a high melting point and a very high density. It can be used in a pure form but it becomes more useful as an engineering material when alloyed with small quantities of other elements to form a group of products sometimes referred to as Tungsten Heavy Metal Alloys (WHAs). 

These alloys usually contain 90-97% tungsten and initial forming requires a process of pressing and sintering. Different shapes can then be produced however near-final-shape sintering is more common. Tungsten alloys are based on its very high density where it is used to control or distribute weight in some way, however, they could also be used in radiation protection. 

As we know, tungsten is up to 65% denser than lead and 130% denser than steel., tungsten alloy radiation shielding is a second common application area. Besides, tungsten alloys generally have high strength and good creep resistance.

For more details, you could visit tungsten alloy radiation shielding.


Different Radiation and Shielding

Lead, atomic number 82, is the most popular metal used for radiation protection due to its inexpensive cost. It works well in shielding against radiation because electrons stop x-rays, and lead has 82 protons and electrons, which is higher than many other metals. When using metals to stop x-rays from passing through, it is important to note that the thickness of the metal is just as important as the number of electrons in the metal. A metal with a lower number of electrons per atom, such as aluminum, could also be used, but it would have to be a lot thicker in order to provide the same level of protection.

Tungsten alloys, which form a solid microstructure of tungsten, protect against x-rays because of their high density. This means that tungsten alloys have a greater x-ray stopping ability than lead by up to 60 percent. Due to this greater x-ray stopping power, the metal can be manufactured into aprons and shields that are considerably less thick and bulky than those made out of lead. This is a newer technology than lead and is more expensive to manufacture, so it is currently not used as often. As technology continues to develop and tungsten alloy manufacturing becomes more common, the prices will likely drop and tungsten alloys will be utilized more often.

Tungsten Alloy Vial Shielding with Lead Glass

New universal tungsten alloy vial shield with outer acrylic window protection. Two large lead glass windows set at 180°. Base contains spring to hold vial against top orifice. Supplied with plastic cup to hold small diameter vials centrally against orifice. Push-on plastic cap with lead insert provides complete shielding and protects vial septum.

Tungsten alloy vial shielding with lead gladd attenuates beta and bremsstrahlung radiation
Inside height and diameter sized specifically for Y-90 reaction vial
Pivoting aperture cover for quick and convenient access to vial septum
Removable top and bottom to minimize exposure during vial transfer
Dimensions: 2.2Øx3.2" H (56x81mm)
Inside Dimensions: 1.06Øx 2" H (40x 51mm)


Chinatungsten Could Offer High Quality Tungsten Alloy Shielding

Chinatungsten could offer shielding for laboratory equipment and associated products. They are mainly of tungsten alloy radiation shield and containment page.

You could find a variety of beta and gamma shielding - particularly suitable for users of high energy beta emitters like P-32, and those using I-125/Cr-51. They also provide a large range of shielded handling boxes and waste containment bins.

Chinatungsten would also advise that you consult with radiation protection adviser if you are not sure about your shielding requirements.

Tungsten Alloy is Suitable for Gamma Radiation Shielding

Gamma radiation and X-rays are absorbed most effectively by high-density materials. Chinatungsten high-density materials are a family of tungsten-based materials with densities 50% greater than that of lead.The high-density, good mechanical strength and excellent machinability of Chinatungsten materials make them ideal for shielding applications. A variety of sizes and shapes are available.


Tungsten content(wt%): 90-97
High density   16.0~18.5g/cm3
High strength   580~950Mpa                                    
Good corrosion-resistant
Good machining property
High thermal conductivity
Low coefficient of thermal expansion
High mass absorption coefficient

Tungsten Alloy is Superior to Traditional Shielding Material

Compared to traditional radiation shielding materials, tungsten alloys provide excellent value. A high-density alloy can provide the same energy absorption as lead using 1/3 less material! Unlike lead, you’ll also reduce administration costs by eliminating the need to obtain special licensing, it’s not required.

Clients all across the globe are taking advantage of tungsten alloy’s reliable radiation shielding properties. If you need to protect yourself, your patients or your equipment from the harmful effects of excess radiation.

Chinatungsten could offer finished machined parts as rod, bar, sheet, strip, blank and rectangular blocks.

Tungsten Alloy as Radiation Protection Materials

The radiation shielding effects of some tungsten alloy was evaluated usig 133Ba(356 keV) and 137Cs(660 keV)γ-ray sources. Tungsten carbide had about the same effect as the commonly used lead, while tungsten copper alloy gave as good a performance as tungsten. The results of transmittance measurements for these materials, as well as of their Monte-Carlo simulation, are reported.

The denser the material, the better able it is to protect from radiation. That is why tungsten alloy material absorb X-rays and gamma radiation particularly well. Lead is still the most frequently used shielding material. Because it is a very soft material, it is mostly used only in combination with support structures made of steel.

Tungsten Alloy Shielding for Plasma Accelerator

Tungsten alloy shielding for plasma accelerator is used to protect staffs from radiation. Depending on heaviest density but small capacity, tungsten alloy material is more and more popular be used for making tungsten alloy shielding to protect body from plasma accelerator radiation. Compared with lead, tungsten alloy is much smaller but with heavier density, which is very helpful for high radiation absorption. It is more than 60% denser than lead, meanwhile, it has excellent machinability, good corrosion resistance. The most important thing is that, tungsten alloy is environment-friendly.

Tungsten Alloy Radiation Focusing Ring

Compared to traditional radiation shielding materials such as lead and boron carbide, tungsten alloy radiation shieldings provide excellent density with small capacity. At the same weights tungsten alloy radiation shielding with high density alloy can provide the same energy absorption as lead using 1/3 less material.
When the tungsten alloy radiation shielding weight is certain, more density, more denser, and the thickness would be thinner. Tungsten alloy radiation shielding material could be made with thinner thickness but high absorption of radiation in high density. That is why tungsten alloy radiation shielding material is suitable for raidation shielding.

Tungsten X-ray Protection Apron

There are wolfram anodes making from tungsten powder in the X-ray machine but the patients also have to wear a tungsten X-ray protection apron made from tungsten powder when they are making panorama X-ray of teeth or other parts on the body, due to the environmental reasons this apron is made of tungsten powder dispersed. Tungsten anodes made from tungsten powder are used in the X-ray machine; modern aprons are filled with tungsten powder, calcium tungsten powder is still used as fluorescent material in X-ray films. Tungsten powder product becomes more and more popular because of its good properties.

What Are the Different Types of Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding?

Tungsten alloy radiation shielding is the use of tungsten alloy to protect against ionizing radiation. Radiation occurs when energy is emitted from one substance and travels out in straight waves, possibly penetrating another substance. When this energy is absorbed, it can have the effect of exciting or destabilizing atoms. If a certain radiation penetrates an animal, it can have harmful impacts on the body, sometimes causing cancer or deformities. Shielding uses specific types of material, such as a leaded glass pane, a lead apron, or packed dirt, to act as a barrier between the body and the source of radiation.

Why Choose ASTM B 777-99 for Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding

 Tungsten alloy radiation shielding could be manufactured as per ASTM B777-99 Standard:

1.tungsten alloy specifications cover the requirements for four classes of machinable,high-density tungsten base metal produced by consolidation of metal powder mixtures of which the composition is mainly tungsten alloy specifications. Different tungsten alloy specifications have different uses, we can provide all kinds of tungsten alloy specifications according to your requirements.This material specification may be used for bare parts or be used for parts that may be coated with other materials for protection against corrosion and abrasion.

2. Intended Use -Parts made from this material are intended for uses such as weights or counter-balances in static or dynamic balancing high-speed rotating inertia members, radiation shielding, hypervelocity impact, and vibration-damping applications. We could make products of tungsten alloy grades as your special properties of tungsten heavy alloy.

3.Special Applications -different products of tungsten alloy specifications have different applications, properties or requirements may be important. These alloys may contain elements that make them magnetic. Class 4 is not available in a non-magnetic grade. For purposes of this specification, non-magnetic characteristics of tungsten alloy specifications are defined as material having a maximum magnetic permeability of 1.05. Also for special applications involving large sections, methods for determining internal quality, such as mechanical tests on specimens from these larger sections or suitable nondestructive tests may be applied. If required, these additional tests shall be specified in the purchase order. We can offer many tungsten alloy specifications with the standard size as well as design mould especially for you.

Why Choose AMS-T-21014 for Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding

Chinatungsten can offer many tungsten alloy standards within the standard size or we can design and manufacture a mould especially for you. Since different tungsten alloy standards have different applications, we can also make products of tungsten alloy standards as special properties of tungsten heavy alloy, such as AMS-T-21014, which required the tungsten alloy parts having high density, good radiation absorption, well wearing resistance,etc.

Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding Grade-2

Here is grade for tungsten alloy radiation shielding:


Class 1
Class 1
Class 2
Class 2
Density (g/cm3)
Heat Treatment
Tensile Strength (MPa)
Elongation (%)

Class 3
Class 3
Class 4
Density (g/cm3)
Heat Treatment
Tensile Strength (MPa)
Elongation (%)

Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding Grades-1

Here are the grades for tungsten alloy radiation shielding:

ASTM B 777-99 

Tungsten Nominal %
Density (g/cc)
Hardness (HRC) Max
Ultimate Tensile Strength ksi
Yield Strength at 0.2% off-set ksi
Elongation, %

Tungsten Alloy Magnetic Radiation Shielding

Tungsten magnetic radiation shielding of 70 mm dia. is usually used for radiation protection.

Density: 18-18.5 gms/cc


Sizes: Custom made


Tungsten Alloy Radiation Protection System

Tungsten alloy radiation protection system is a patented totally encapsulated shielding system. It’s unique formulation gives flexible shielding in inaccessible and restricted applications where traditional methods of shielding are difficult to provide, which is available in flat sheets of special sizes and guide tube shields of standard and custom lengths.


Tungsten Alloy Shielding is Better Than Lead

Tungsten alloy shielding is more an more popular for radiation protection. Generally speaking, the absorption rate of X-rays and gamma radiation is directly proportional to the density of the shielding material, as tungsten alloy has a high density but small capacity, tungsten is a suitable for radiation shielding. Since tungsten alloy is denser than lead, these alloy can be up to one and a half times more effective than lead, and provide extremely efficient protection from radiation sources, especially in applications where space is limited.

Tungsten alloy shielding for radiation protection.


What Are the Different Types of Radiation Shielding?

Radiation shielding is the use of materials or devices to protect against ionizing radiation. Radiation occurs when energy is emitted from one substance and travels out in straight waves, possibly penetrating another substance. When this energy is absorbed, it can have the effect of exciting or destabilizing atoms. If a certain radiation penetrates an animal, it can have harmful impacts on the body, sometimes causing cancer or deformities. Shielding uses specific types of material, such as a leaded glass pane, a lead apron, or packed dirt, to act as a barrier between the body and the source of radiation.

However, compared with other materials, tungsten alloy material is the most suitable for radiation protection.As tungsten alloy is the right material for radiation protection, as its combination of radiographic density (more than 60% denser than lead), machinability, good corrosion resistance, high radiation absorption (superior to lead and steel), simplified life cycle and high strength.

Radiation Protection Door

Chinatungsten innovative radiation shielding system is the keystone of radiation shielding product line and provides superior neutron, photon and proton attenuation. When combined with state-of-the-art shield technique, radiation protection doors could be provided. Chinatungsten can provide a treatment center which far exceeds the features and performance of concrete constructed facilities.

Choice of Radiation Shielding Instruments

While the community is responsible for establishing uniform rules in the radiation protection field in order to achieve a high level of health protection of workers and the general public, it falls on to transpose into their national legislation such rules and to implement them.

A directive is therefore best suited to create a common approach on defining requirements for radioactivity parameters for monitoring the quality of water intended for human consumption in the light of scientific and technical progress.

As a consequence, harm onised requirements for the protection of the health of the general public with regard to radioactive substance in water intended for human consumption are defined.

Tungsten material could be used for radiation shielding to provide radiation protection.

Radiation Protection

Although radiation is naturally present in our environment, it can have either beneficial or harmful effects, depending on its use and control. For that reason, Chinatungsten could offer tungsten radiation shielding for protecting people and the environment from unnecessary exposure to radiation as a result of civilian uses of nuclear materials. Toward that end, Chinatungsten requires nuclear power plants; research reactors; and other medical, industrial, and academic licensees to use and store radioactive materials in a way that eliminates unnecessary exposure and protects radiation workers and the public.

Weather Station Radiation Shields

A well-designed radiation shield will reduce the temperature error or excess heating caused by the sun shining directly on the temperature sensing element.
A popular naturally ventilated radiation shield design is the Gill Multi-Plate Radiation Shield that protects temperature and relative humidity sensors from error-producing solar radiation and precipitation. This type of shield relies on a combination of plate geometry, material and natural ventilation to provide effective shielding. For best performance, the shield should be placed in a location with the following characteristics:
- Good air circulation around shield.
- Away from large masses (buildings, masts, solar panels) especially metal items.
- Away from exhaust vents, electrical machinery and motors.
- Away from water fountains and sprinklers.

For more information, you could visit Radiation Shielding.


Tungsten-blend Fabric Shields for Radiation

As tungsten material special properties, now it is made with aramid fibre fabric as new kind of

radiation shielding material as its high-density for a better protection against X-ray and gamma-

ray radiation. Also it should be used as protective clothing.

This kinf of radiation-shielding is based on tungsten particles, high-strength para-aramid fibre.

It is said to include superior strength to polyester and other general-purpose fibres - despite

containing high concentrations of tungsten, a high-density metal that tends to impair the fibre's

mechanical properties. It also offers "excellent" flexibility as it is tungsten alloy material


In addition, tungsten-blended fabric has better flame retardancy and cutting resistance than the

regular aramid fibre,  which means it is likely to be taken up in protective clothing for people

handling high-temperature objects and/or sharp-edged materials.

If you need more infomration, you could click http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/.

Tungsten Alloy Based Aramid Fiber Fabric Radiation Shielding

Here is a new aramid fiber fabric that protects users against X-ray and gamma ray radiation, which

will provide samples to selected customers for applications such as protective clothing and sheet

materials used in areas with high radiation levels.

The new fabric is produced by blending radiation-shielding tungsten particles with high strength

para-aramid fiber.

Here are some advantages:

Superior strength: the product is stronger than polyester despite containing a high concentration

of tungsten alloy, which can impair fiber’s mechanical properties.

A high level of radiation shielding from the amount of tungsten blended into the aramid fiber.

Excellent flexibility and workability properties not present in lead plates or concrete used for

tungsten alloy radiation shielding.

The tungsten-blended fabric also has a high level of flame resistance compared to regular aramid

fabric, making it useful in high-heat working conditions.

Producing a high-density metal filament yarn presents many technical difficulties. Chinatungsten

is able to leverage its fiber expertise and polymer and spinning technologies to overcome these


Lead and lead-containing materials are typically used to shield against radiation, as lead is

comparatively inexpensive and offers excellent shielding. However, it poses significant

environmental concerns and movement is underway to regulate its use. Tungsten alloy is being

increasingly used as a more environmentally friendly alternative.

For more information about tungsten alloy based aramid fiber fabric, you could visit www.tungsten-alloy.com.


Advantage for Tungsten Alloy Collimator

 Chinatungsten Online could offer tungsten alloy collimator with the following advantages:

1. Tungsten alloy collimator is one of the most effective devices for reducing the radiation levels on a job site;
2. Tungsten alloy collimator also increases the quality of radiography shots by reducing the scattering radiation around  the film;
3. Tungsten alloy collimator can provide a safer operating conditions for radiographers;
4. Tungsten is a more effective shielding material than lead. It is an easy handle, non-licensed and very effective shielding material;
5. Tungsten alloy collimator does not spark, which makes it a ideal material for plant operations.

If you are interest in more information about tungsten, please feel free to contact sales@chinatungsten.com.


Tungsten Alloy Syringe Shield from Chinatungsten

Chinatungsten Tungsten alloy syringe shield reduces hand exposure and is convenient to use.
The barrel of the shield is constructed of .08" (2 mm) thick tungsten that will reduce radiation exposure from Tc-99m by more than 99% attenuation for Tc-99 tested with TLD chips. A 5.05 density (1.5 mm lead equivalency) lead glass window provides protection and visibility. A white reflective surface on the shield interior improves viewing of the syringe's markings and fluid content. A bevel around the lead glass helps protect it from scratching or breaking.
The Safe-T-Lock design provides increased protection by allowing minimal handling. The Safe-T-Lock design grips and secures the syringe upon insertion and will release the syringe at the press of a button. Disposing used syringes is easy; invert the syringe shield over a sharps container, press the release button and the syringe freely disengages.
Chinatungsten tungsten alloy syringe shields accommodate the standard sized 1 cc, 3 cc, 5 cc, 10 cc and 20 cc syringes.


Tungsten Alloy Collimator Shielding

Tungsten alloy collimator shielding is a device that narrows a beam of particles or waves. It belongs to input and output element of optical fiber communicaiton devices. It can be adopted as linear accelerator and cyclotron in medical treatment. Tungsten alloy collimator shielding has a simple structure, through which the fiber radiate light can be converted into parallel light (gaussian beam). So its main fuction is to efficiently maximize the light coupling into the device.Though a big parameter insertion loss may happen during this process, Chinatungsten has minimize the value under 0.15db. In addition to the standard parameters, Chinatungsten can manufacture tungsten alloy collimator shieldings according to the customer drawings.


Tungsten Alloy Is Suitable Material for Gamma Radiation Protection

Tungsten alloy is ideal for shielding against gamma radiation. The very high density of Chinatungsten tungsten shielding (more than 60% denser than lead) allows a reduction in the physical size of shielding components, without compromising their rigidity or the effectiveness of the shielding characteristics.


Why Use Tungsten as Replacement to Lead?

Why Use Tungsten as Replacement to Lead?
 Lead's popularity is mainly due to its outstanding physical properties: high density, ease of casting and fabrication, and malleability.

Tungsten is a much suitable material for lead replacement applications. It has an even higher density than lead. However, due to its extremely high melting temperature, molding tungsten into a shape is complex and costly. Still, tungsten can be formed into solids through a process called sintering. This is where tungsten and other metal powders are pressed into shape and bound in a special furnace.

Another approach to using tungsten powder as a lead replacement is currently used by many companies that manufacture non-toxic thermoplastic composite materials. These materials are mostly used for injection molding processes contain a variety of polymers and fillers.


Tungsten Alloy Nuclear Research Radiation Shielding

Nuclear research establishments use nuclear reactors or cyclotrons to study or create radioactive materials. Tungsten alloy is used in research activities as collimators, devices which guide or focus beams of radiation, or containers for radioactive isotopes. 

Tungsten alloy is ideal for shielding against both X- and Gamma radiation. The very high density of tungsten shielding allows a reduction in the physical size of shielding components, without compromising the effectiveness of the shielding characteristics.



Nuclear Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding

Nuclear Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding

Nuclear research establishments use nuclear reactors or cyclotrons to study or create radioactive materials. Tungsten alloy is used in research activities as collimators (devices which guide or focus beams of radiation) or containers for radioactive isotopes. Tungsten alloy is ideal for shielding against both x- and gamma radiation. The very high density of tungsten shielding (more than 60% denser than lead) allows a reduction in the physical size of shielding components, without compromising the effectiveness of the shielding characteristics. For more details, you could visit Nuclear Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding.