
Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield

Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield is a best choice for radiation shielding applications, which could be used in both medical fields and industrial areas. Compared to traditional radiation shielding materials, such as lead, it provides excellent properties. High-density alloy can provide the same energy absorption as lead using 1/3 less material. People are taking advantage of tungsten alloy's reliable radiation shielding properties.

Chinatungsten Online could offer tungsten alloy radiation shield, which is used for radioactive source containers, gamma radiography, X-ray shields and industrial instrumentation. Tungsten shielding is also serving as collimators and radiation shielding in cancer therapy, as well as syringe protection for radioactive injections. Chinatungsten Online usually offer tungsten alloy radiation shielding as per the following standard. Besides, Chinatungsten Online could also design and make special size based on different properties.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us by e-mail: sales@chinatungsten.com or info@chinatungsten.com

