
Tungsten Alloy Crankshaft Counterweight

Tungsten alloy crankshaft counterweight has good performance, wear resistance and processing performance, and it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It can be used as a counterweight for automotive engines and is widely used in automotive engines.

Tungsten alloy crankshaft counterweight is made of tungsten alloy. Tungsten alloy has high density, high melting point, high hardness, and other excellent properties, which is the best materials for counterweights.

At present, most automotive engine crankshafts use tungsten alloy crankshaft counterweights. Compared with the earlier car engines, the horsepower and performance of the car engines have been greatly improved.
Chinatungsten Online has many years of experience in the production of tungsten alloy. It is a professional manufacturer and supplier of tungsten alloy crankshaft counterweights. We can produce high quality products according to your needs.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us by e-mail: sales@chinatungsten.com or info@chinatungsten.com

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