
Tungsten Heavy Alloy Applications & Advantages

Recently, many friends ask me about the application and advantages for tungsten heavy alloy materials, now I would like to give some tips as follows:

Tungsten heavy alloy material is a tungsten-base materials that typically contain 90 to 97 wt% W. Most commercial tungsten alloy products are two-phase structures, the principal phase being nearly pure tungsten in association with a binder phase containing the transition metals plus dissolved tungsten. Then tungsten alloy derive their fundamental properties from those of the principal tungsten phase, which provides for both high density and high elastic stiffness. It is these two properties that give rise to must applications for this family of materials.
The current uses of tungsten heavy alloy are spanning a wide range of consumer, industrial, and government applications that include:

Damping weights for computer disk drive heads
Balancing weights for ailerons in commercial aircraft, helicopter rotors, and for guided missiles
Kinetic energy penetrators for defeating heavy armor
Fragmentation warheads
Radiation shielding, radio isotope containers, and collimalion apertures for cancer therapy devices
High performance lead-free shot for waterfowl hunting
Gyroscope components
Weight distribution adjustment in sailboats and race cars.
Work as gold-plated handcraft

Many applications that require high gravimetric density for balance weights, inertial masses, or kinetic energy penetrators or high radiographic density for radiation shielding and collimaiion necessitate rather large bulk shapes. Such a requirement eliminates all but a few candidates on the basis of prohibitive cost, typically reducing the choice of very dense alloys down to either tungsten- or uranium-base materials.

For more details, I suggest you should visit www.tungsten-alloy.com . It would be much helpful.

