There are a few other notable approaches to
fast tomography using x-rays or gamma rays. Since all of the above-mentioned
approaches have numerous drawbacks and limitations regarding multiphase flow
tomography, it was decided to design and build up a dedicated electron beam
x-ray CT scanner for this application. The decision for an electron beam type
CT and against a CT with stationary gated sources was due to several reasons.
First, electron beam technology provides excellent versatility since the
electron beam can be almost arbitrarily steered and shaped as needed. In the
simplest case the electron beam will be swept along a semicircular target as in
medical electron beam CT to generate projection data from a single plane.
Moreover, subsequent sweeping on different circular paths on the target enables
multi-slice CT as well as velocity measurement for two-phase flows. Additional
beam optics can be provided to shape the focal spot as required and to adjust
the beam focus when scanning at different axial positions (planes). Only one
beam power supply is required. Another strong argument is the straightforward
upgrade capability towards higher x-ray energy by introduction of high-energy
electron beam generators or superconducting accelerators. Therefore, tungsten
alloy material will have advantage in this case.