
Tungsten Alloy X-ray Protective Apron

Tungsten alloy X-ray protective apron has excellent X-ray shielding performance, which can protect us from radiation damage. It is widely used in the medical field, industrial field and daily life.

The main raw material of tungsten alloy X-ray protective aprons is tungsten alloy powder. The tungsten alloy powder can also be used as a fluorescent material on the X-ray film. Tungsten alloy powder provides comparable beam shielding capabilities to lead, making shields smaller in volume and thickness than lead. Moreover, it is non-toxic, non-polluting and more easily accepted by people. It is the most ideal material for making shields.

Tungsten alloy X-ray protective apron made of tungsten powder can shield X-rays. Patients receiving X-ray fluoroscopy can wear tungsten alloy X-ray protective aprons to protect them from radiation.

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