
Tungsten Stopper

Tungsten stopper has excellent radiation shielding and performance properties. It is widely used in PET chambers, linear accelerators, HDR rooms, gamma knives and nuclear power plants.

Tungsten stopper has strong radiation shielding, higher density, good corrosion resistance and mechanical processing performance. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Compared to the same volume of shields, tungsten stopper has better radiation shielding than lead.

Tungsten stopper can be used as radioactive source shielding containers, gamma ray shielding shields, shield blocks, nuclear shielding walls. It can also be used for radioactive syringe shielding, X-ray collimators, cancer therapy instruments, and the like.
Chinatungsten Online has been committed to manufacturing and selling tungsten stopper for more than 20 years. At present, we have been able to manufacture, export and provide tungsten stopper of the best quality. China Tungsten Online can provide customers with customized high quality products according to customers' different sizes and specifications.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us by e-mail: sales@chinatungsten.com or info@chinatungsten.com

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